Naturally, everyone has crazy pants days. Life is full of
too much unpredictability and too many obligations to ever be truly crazy pants
free. But people who are regular wearers of crazy pants are people who I keep
on the periphery of my life, as true crazy pantsers have a way of trying to
suck others in.
True confession time:
Lately, I have found myself pulling on my crazy pants on a
semi-regular basis. Shameful, but true.
Now I could give you a list of perfectly justifiable reasons
for my crazy pants – things like selling our house and therefore keeping it
perpetually show ready while living in it with a husband and three young
children who all have an extraordinary talent for making crumbs, planning and preparing
for a move, a looming deadline for my second book which is not exactly what you’d
call on schedule, and the day-to-day busy-ness of managing a home and mothering
my beans.
Sure there’s a lot going on. But I’m here to say that crazy
pants don’t make any of it better. In fact, donning them regularly makes
everything worse. It means I’m not at my best. I’m not thinking clearly and reacting
calmly. In short, I’m on the edge. Ever in danger of cracking like a cheap piñata.
It’s time for a different approach.
Since nothing on my plate can come off my plate, my strategy
needed to focus on approach and execution. The solution came to me yesterday and
was nothing less than shocking. SHOCKING.
I’ve looked at the problem from every angle and it seems the
antidote to crazy pants is:
I know. I was stunned, too. And not because men aren’t
capable of effective thought. They certainly are. I know my husband is. He
spends his days looking at financial problems and questions from all angles,
performing analyses that defy explanation (to me, anyway) and developing sound
solutions. Good thinking to be sure. But traditionally, man-thinking has not
been effective when applied to the many jobs of motherhood. Man thinking is
linear and logical. Motherhood necessitates keeping many balls in the air and
one’s hands in many pots. BUT, in times of impending crazy pants, I now believe
thinking like a man is the only answer.
My husband, that darling, exceedingly left-brained man, has
a saying. “Do one thing at a time, do it very well, and then move on to the
next.” And it was within this motto that I found the answer. There is beauty in
its very simplicity, isn’t there?
After I let this idea settle for a bit, I noticed my
breathing was slower and I could no longer feel my heart beating in my chest.
It was working already. For now, whenever possible, I will turn off my natural
tendency to multi-task to the extreme and simply focus on the task right in
front of me. I will complete that task thoroughly and to the best of my
ability. And then, I will move on to the next.
My crazy pants will be relegated to the back corner of the
closet where they should be. Back with the blouse that looks cute on the hanger
but goes all wrong on my body and that skirt that really is just too short for
a 40-something mom, regardless of whether or not she has good legs.
Wish me luck. I will report back.
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